Ansible Cisco Network Automation 101

Ansible Cisco Network Automation 101
Table of Contents

If you're a Network Engineer keen to dive into the world of Network Automation, Ansible is an excellent starting point. Unlike other automation tools, Ansible stands out for its simplicity and user-friendliness. It's much easier to learn and use, making it perfect for those who are new to Network Automation.

In this blog post, we'll walk you through the basics of setting up Ansible and run through a few simple examples to give you a clear idea of how it works. Whether you're automating tasks for Cisco, Juniper, or other network devices, you'll see how Ansible can make your life easier and your work more efficient.

Ansible Quick Overview

Ansible is an open-source automation tool that's incredibly versatile yet easy to use. It automates tasks such as configuration management, application deployment, and even orchestrating complex workflows across multiple systems. What makes Ansible particularly appealing is its use of YAML (Yet Another Markup Language) for writing playbooks. These playbooks are simple to understand and write, making Ansible accessible to everyone. One of the biggest perks of Ansible is that it doesn't require any special coding skills. If you can write basic commands, you can write an Ansible playbook.

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Installing Ansible

Ansible is a flexible tool that can be installed on multiple operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux.

If Ansible is not already installed, you can install it using pip, a Python package manager that allows you to install and manage Python libraries. Before doing this, it’s a good practice to create a virtual environment (venv). A virtual environment keeps your Python packages isolated, ensuring they don’t interfere with other projects.

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install ansible

Setting Up Your Ansible Environment

When working with Ansible for network automation, organizing your directory structure and understanding the purpose of each file and directory is crucial. Let me take you through my setup, for the sake of simplicity, I'm using a single Cisco C9300 running IOS-XE. Here’s a glimpse of the directory structure.

➜  ansible-network-101 tree
├── ansible.cfg
├── inventory
│   ├── group_vars
│   │   └── switches.yml
│   ├── host_vars
│   └── hostfile.ini
└── playbook.yml

3 directories, 4 files


This is the Ansible configuration file. It contains settings that apply globally to Ansible in the current directory. In our case, the contents are.

host_key_checking = False
inventory = inventory/hostfile.ini
  • host_key_checking = False disables SSH key host checking.
  • inventory = inventory/hostfile.ini specifies the location of our inventory file, which contains information about the hosts.


switch_01 ansible_host=

This directory holds information about your network devices. hostfile.ini is the inventory file where you list all your network devices. For simplicity, we're working with a single Cisco device. The term [switches] in the hostfile.ini inventory file represents a group of hosts, in this case, network switches. This notation is part of Ansible’s inventory file syntax, where hosts (devices or servers) are organized into groups for easier management.

  • [switches] - This is a group name enclosed in square brackets. You can define any name for your group based on your own needs. In our setup, this group is meant to represent network switches.
  • switch_01 ansible_host= - Within this group, we define individual hosts. switch_01 is the alias we give to our network switch, making it more readable and easier to reference in playbooks. ansible_host= specifies the IP address of switch_01.
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Group Vars and Host Vars

group_vars and host_vars - These directories store variables specific to groups and individual hosts, respectively. switches.yml under group_vars contains group-specific variables.

It's important that the group name in the inventory file ([switches] in this case) matches the name used in the group_vars directory. This is how Ansible knows which variables in the group_vars/switches.yml file apply to the hosts in the [switches] group. By matching these names, Ansible can automatically apply all the settings and variables defined in switches.yml to switch_01

ansible_connection: ansible.netcommon.network_cli
ansible_network_os: cisco.ios.ios
ansible_become: yes
ansible_become_method: enable
ansible_user: admin
ansible_password: cisco123
ansible_become_password: cisco123
Always avoid storing sensitive information such as passwords in the plain text file.

These variables define how Ansible will connect to the devices in the switches group, including the connection type, network OS, and credentials.

  • ansible_connection - Ansible uses the ansible-connection setting to determine how to connect to a remote device. When working with network devices, we need to set this to an appropriate network connection option, so Ansible treats the remote node as a network device with a limited execution environment.
  • ansible_network_os - Informs Ansible which Network platform these hosts correspond to. This is required when using the ansible.netcommon.* connection options.
  • ansible_become - Cisco uses the concept of enable mode which is the highest privilege level available. You need to be in the enable mode to configure almost all the configuration items.
  • ansible_become_method - This informs Ansible to go into privilege mode (enable) before executing the task

3. playbook.yml

Finally, playbook.yml is where you define the tasks you want Ansible to execute on your network devices. A playbook can contain multiple tasks, each automating a specific part of your network operations.

By setting up your environment in this manner, you ensure that each component of your Ansible setup is neatly organized and easy to manage. This structure is not only efficient but also scalable, making it easier to expand as you add more devices or functionalities to your network automation tasks.

Simple Ansible Example to Run Show Commands

Let's start with a basic example of using Ansible to log in to a switch, run a show command, and print out the output.

- name: "Ansible 101"
  hosts: switches
  gather_facts: no

    - name: Show Version
        commands: show version
      register: output  # This stores the output in a variable named 'output'

    - name: Print output
        msg: "{{ output.stdout_lines }}"  # This prints the output

In our playbook, named "Ansible 101", we specify hosts: switches, telling Ansible to apply the tasks to all hosts in the switches group, as defined in our inventory. We set gather_facts: no because we don't need to collect system facts about the devices.

The playbook contains two tasks. The first task is named "Show Version". Here, we use the cisco.ios.ios_command module, a part of Ansible's collection of modules. We pass the command show version to this module. This command is then executed on the switch. We use register: output to store the result of this command in a variable named output. This is a common practice in Ansible to capture command output for further processing.

The second task, "Print output", uses the debug module to display the output stored in the output variable. Specifically, we print output.stdout_lines, which is the standard output of the show command we executed, formatted as a list of lines. To run the playbook, use the command ansible-playbook playbook.yml in your terminal, where playbook.yml is the name of your Ansible playbook file.

This way, when the playbook runs, it will connect to the switch, execute the show version command, and then display the results in a readable format in your Ansible console. This simple playbook demonstrates the fundamental operation of Ansible in network automation – sending commands to network devices and handling their outputs.

If you want to automate more switches, simply add their details to the hostfile.ini file, and Ansible will include them in your automation tasks.

switch_01 ansible_host=
switch_02 ansible_host=

Ansible libssh Issues

If you encounter issues while running an Ansible playbook, such as the following error messages.

ansible-pylibssh not installed, falling back to paramiko

It means the libssh library is missing or not properly installed. On macOS, especially M-chip Macs, you may face additional challenges during the installation.

pip install ansible-pylibssh
ERROR: Could not build wheels for ansible-pylibssh, 
which is required to install pyproject.toml-based projects

To resolve this, you can install the necessary dependencies using the following command. I found this command in this great blog post.

CFLAGS="-I $(brew --prefix)/include -I ext -L $(brew --prefix)/lib -lssh" pip install ansible-pylibssh

Make a Configuration Change

In this next example, we'll demonstrate making a configuration change on a switch by creating two VLANs.

- name: "Ansible 101 - Configuration Changes"
  hosts: switches
  gather_facts: no

    - name: VLAN Config
          - name: server_vlan
            vlan_id: 30
          - name: user_vlan
            vlan_id: 31

The task named "VLAN Config" uses the cisco.ios.ios_vlans module. This module is used for managing VLAN configurations on Cisco IOS devices. The config section lists the VLANs we want to set up. In this task, we're creating two VLANs. One named server_vlan with VLAN 30, and another named user_vlan with VLAN 31.

Running this playbook will tell Ansible to log in to each switch defined in the switches group of the inventory and apply the VLAN configurations accordingly. If the VLANs do not already exist, Ansible will create them with the specified names and IDs. If the VLANs already exist, Ansible will ensure their configurations match what's defined in the playbook.

c9300# show vlan

VLAN Name                             Status    Ports
---- -------------------------------- --------- -------------------------------
1    default                          active    Te1/0/1, Te1/0/2
30   server_vlan                      active    
31   user_vlan                        active    

In the Ansible output , there are a couple of key terms that reflect the state of your playbook run.

  • ok=1 - refers to the number of tasks that have been executed successfully on a host.
  • changed=1 - This shows that one task has made changes to the system. Whenever Ansible makes a change to the system that aligns it with the desired state specified in the playbook, it's counted as a change.

You might be curious about how to know which Ansible module to use for specific configuration tasks, like cisco.ios.ios_vlans in this example. For this, I refer to the Ansible Cisco documentation, which is an excellent resource for understanding the various modules available for Cisco devices. You can find detailed information and examples for each module, which is incredibly helpful for planning your automation tasks. Check out the Ansible Cisco documentation here at Ansible Cisco Documentation.

BGP Path Attributes Overview and Examples
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Idempotency is a key concept in configuration management and automation, which Ansible implements very well. It refers to the ability of a system to detect the current state and only apply changes if they are needed to reach the desired state. If the system is already in the desired state, running the automation script again will not cause any changes. This ensures that you can run the same playbook multiple times without worrying about causing unintended changes or disruptions to your system.

In the context of our Ansible playbook, idempotency means that when you run the playbook once, it will create the VLANs because they do not exist. If you run the playbook again, Ansible checks the current state of the switch and sees that the VLANs already exist and match the desired configuration. Since no change is needed, it will report changed=0. This feature of Ansible is powerful because it allows you to maintain consistency across your network infrastructure and makes your automation tasks safe to run repeatedly, which is incredibly useful for both routine management and troubleshooting.

Desired State

Another key thing to remember is that Ansible operates on a declarative model, which means as users, we define the desired state of our system with our Ansible playbooks.

It's a way of telling Ansible "what" the end result should be, rather than "how" to get there. For instance, in our VLAN configuration example, we specified that our desired state includes two VLANs on the switch. Ansible then takes on the responsibility of ensuring these VLANs exist with the correct settings. It abstracts away the complexity of the underlying commands and processes needed to achieve this state. This means we don't need to provide the exact CLI commands for the VLAN creation; Ansible understands our intent and executes the necessary steps in the background. This approach simplifies the automation process, reduces the likelihood of human error, and ensures our infrastructure is configured consistently every time the playbook is run.

Ansible Cisco Interface Configurations

In this example, let's look at how to assign the VLAN to an interface. The first task, "VLAN Config," remains the same as before. The second task, "Port Configuration," is where we introduce the port configuration. This task uses the cisco.ios.ios_l2_interfaces module, which is designed for managing Layer 2 interface configurations on Cisco IOS devices. Here, we're configuring the interface Te1/0/1 to operate in access mode and assigning it to VLAN 30.

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