Configuring AAA on Cisco devices using TACACS+

Configuring AAA on Cisco devices using TACACS+
In: Cisco ISE
Table of Contents

In this blog post, we will discuss how to configure authentication, authorization and accounting on Cisco devices using the TACACS+ protocol.

Authentication using the local database (without AAA)

When you configure a new Cisco device, you are most likely to use the local user database for authentication, the configuration would look something like the one shown below. This method works well if you only have a couple of devices to manage and have a very small team with one or two Network admins.

The following shows a local user called bob has been configured with privilege 15. Local enable password has also been configured.

username bob privilege 15 secret 5 $1$zOdg$tZE95Hmo8wcCtnMtIgirg0
enable secret 5 $1$rbdc$J2SyY04imHcbCivFgi3gb0

line con 0
 login local
line vty 0 4
 transport input ssh
 login local
line vty 5 15
 transport input ssh
 login local

This doesn't work very well if you have more than 10 devices and a big team. Ideally, what you want is to authenticate the logins against a centralised server such as Cisco ISE using TACACS+. You don't necessarily need to have ISE for this to work, you can also use open-source TACACS+ servers such as tac_plus

Configuring AAA on Arista EOS Devices Using TACACS+ and ISE
In this blog post, let’s look at how to configure TACACS+ authentication on Arista EOS devices using Cisco ISE. When someone tries to log in to the device

aaa new-model

To enable AAA on your Cisco device, all you have to do is run aaa new-model command. This command activates AAA on the device. You can still log in to the router using your existing local database user account bob at this point.

The aaa new-model command immediately applies local authentication to all lines except line con 0. If an SSH session is initiated to the router after enabling this command, then the user has to be authenticated using the local database of the router. So, please ensure that you have configured the local user database prior to working on any AAA configuration. 

AAA TACACS+ server configuration

The next step is to define the TACACS+ servers and then group them into AAA server groups. We can also configure which interface should be used for sourcing the TACACS+ packets. The key configured on the router has to match the key configured on the TACACS+ server.

tacacs server ISE-01
 address ipv4
 key Cisco123
tacacs server ISE-02
 address ipv4
 key Cisco123
 aaa group server tacacs+ TACACS-SERVER-GROUP
  server name ISE-01
  server name ISE-02
  ip tacacs source-interface Ethernet0/0


So far we have configured aaa new-model and then defined the TACACS+ servers. The next step is to define a method list that defines the ways AAA is performed and the sequence in which these methods are performed.

A method list is simply a named list describing the AAA methods to be queried (such as Local, Radius, or Tacacs+), in sequence. Method lists enable one or more security protocols to be used for AAA, thus ensuring a backup system in case the initial method fails. In our example, we will be using TACACS+ as the primary method and local database as the fallback method.

Once the method list is created, that needs to be applied to one or more lines (VTY, Console) to take effect. The only exception is the default method list (which is named 'default'). The default method list is automatically applied to all interfaces except those that have a named method list explicitly defined.

aaa authentication login default group TACACS-SERVER-GROUP local

Let's break down the commands one by one.

  • aaa authentication - We are configuring authentication
  • login - The following method list is for user 'logins'
  • default - We are using a 'default' method list (You can use a named list if you want but make sure to apply that to all the line interfaces (vty, console))
  • group TACACS-SERVER-GROUP - Use all the configured TACACS+ servers within this group.
  • local - If the TACACS+ servers are unreachable, use the local database as the fallback.

At this point, you should be able to log in to the router with your 'TACACS+' credentials. If at least one of the TACACS+ servers is reachable then you won't be able to log in with your local credentials. There are a couple of things to note after configuring 'authentication'

  • When you log in, you are placed into the user-exec shell
  • You need to use the 'local' enable password to go into the exec-privilege mode

Enable password from the TACACS+ server

As we have seen in the previous step, a local enable password is still required. Let's make one more change so, that the enable password is also authenticated against the TACACS+ server.

aaa authentication enable default group TACACS-SERVER-GROUP enable

Most part of the configuration is self-explanatory. The first 'enable' keyword means this configuration is for 'enable' authentication. The second 'enable' keyword has also been configured, so if the TACACS+ server is unreachable, the locally configured enable password will be used.

Log in directly to exec-privilege mode

aaa authorization exec default group TACACS-SERVER-GROUP local

When aaa authorization exec is being used, the router consults the TACACS+ server to determine the privilege level of the just authenticated user. So, following a successful authentication, the router assigns the user privilege level specified by the TACACS+ server. (Using the priv-lvl attribute)

As I mentioned earlier, I'm using Cisco ISE as the TACACS+ server in this example. I'm going to assign privilege level 15 for the user 'net-admin' user as shown below.

    Line       User       Host(s)              Idle       Location
*  2 vty 0     net-admin  idle                 00:00:00

  Interface    User               Mode         Idle     Peer Address

cisco#show privilege 
Current privilege level is 15

As you can see above, the router sent an 'authorization request' to ISE as soon as the 'authentication' is completed. ISE in return sent an 'authorization response' to the router indicating that the user should be granted priv-lvl=15 permissions.

Command Authorization

Just to recap, at this point our configuration looks like the following.

aaa authentication login default group TACACS-SERVER-GROUP local
aaa authentication enable default group TACACS-SERVER-GROUP enable
aaa authorization exec default group TACACS-SERVER-GROUP local 

When the 'net-admin' user logins to the router, they are placed directly into the privilege-exec mode which means the user can run pretty much any command. The router doesn't consult the TACACS+ server whether or not the user is authorized to run the commands. Let's enable command authorization so, each and every privilege level 15 command is authorized.

For this example, let's deny all the 'debug' commands and permit everything else. Please note that for this example, we are only authorizing privilege 15 commands and not 0 or 1 commands.

aaa authorization commands 15 default group TACACS-SERVER-GROUP local
cisco#debug aaa authentication 
Command authorization failed.

As you can see above, the user is unable to run the 'debug' commands anymore.

By default, Cisco doesn't perform authorization on the console line. However, you can use aaa authorization console to perform authorization. 


Let's look at a scenario where the user is successfully authenticated to the router but during the SSH session, all the TACACS+ servers went down. What is going to happen to the command authorization now? Well, they will fail by default and the user will not be able to run any privilege 15 commands.

Of course, the user can close the current SSH session and then re-login with the local credentials however, you can use if-authenticated in conjunction with the authorization configuration.

The below is the default behaviour if the TACACS+ server goes down 'after' a user is authenticated.

cisco#conf ter
% Authorization failed.

Let's configure if-authenticated for authorization and see what happens. I'm going to log in with TACACS+ credentials and then shut down the link to the ISE.

aaa authentication login default group TACACS-SERVER-GROUP local
aaa authentication enable default group TACACS-SERVER-GROUP enable
aaa authorization exec default group TACACS-SERVER-GROUP local if-authenticated 
aaa authorization commands 15 default group TACACS-SERVER-GROUP local if-authenticated
cisco#conf ter
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.

As you can see above, I was able to run the commands successfully even though ISE was unreachable. The debug log shows the authorization was successful due to the if-authenticated configuration.


You can configure accounting using the following commands. Each and every command a user types is recorded and can be viewed.

aaa accounting exec default start-stop group TACACS-SERVER-GROUP
aaa accounting commands 15 default start-stop group TACACS-SERVER-GROUP

Closing up

Once you have finished configuring AAA, the complete configuration may look like the below.

aaa authentication login default group TACACS-SERVER-GROUP local
aaa authentication enable default group TACACS-SERVER-GROUP enable
aaa authorization exec default group TACACS-SERVER-GROUP local if-authenticated 
aaa authorization commands 15 default group TACACS-SERVER-GROUP local if-authenticated 
aaa accounting exec default start-stop group TACACS-SERVER-GROUP
aaa accounting commands 15 default start-stop group TACACS-SERVER-GROUP
username cisco privilege 15 secret 5 $1$zOdg$tZE95Hmo8wcCtnMtIgirg0

tacacs server ISE-01
 address ipv4
 key Cisco123
tacacs server ISE-02
 address ipv4
 key Cisco123
aaa group server tacacs+ TACACS-SERVER-GROUP
 server name ISE-01
 server name ISE-02
 ip tacacs source-interface Ethernet0/0
aaa new-model
Please make sure to save your configuration (wr) prior to configuring your AAA commands. Once you have completed all the AAA configurations (and ensure everything is working as expected) should you save the configuration again. This allows you to recover from unforeseen lockouts (prior to saving the configuration) by reloading the device.


Written by
Suresh Vina
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