Palo Alto REST API - POST Request Example

Palo Alto REST API - POST Request Example
Table of Contents

In the previous two posts, we covered PanOS REST API fundamentals and GET requests. In this post, we will look into how to configure resources using POST/PUT requests.

Create an Address Object

Let's start from the basics and configure an Address Object using the API. I'm going to use the Python Requests module to make the API call. You don't necessarily need to use Python for this to work, feel free to use any other platform you prefer (Postman, Ansible, CURL)

import requests
import json

# Disable self-signed warning

location = {'location': 'device-group', 'device-group': 'lab', 'name': 'google_dns'}
headers = {'X-PAN-KEY': 'YOUR_API_KEY'}
api_url = "https://Firewall_IP/restapi/v10.2/Objects/Addresses"

body = json.dumps(
            "@name": "google_dns",
            "ip-netmask": "",

r =, params=location, verify=False, headers=headers, data=body)
Please note that in this example, I'm using Panorama hence the location is set to 'device-group'. If you are configuring the firewall directly, please use 'vsys' as the location and 'vsys1' as vsys. 

When you run the script, you will see the below message as an output which indicates that the object has been created successfully. You can also log in to the firewall to verify that the new object indeed exists.

{"@status":"success","@code":"20","msg":"command succeeded"}

Modifying an existing address object

Suppose you want to add a description to the same object that we created earlier, how would you do it? Let's add a description field and re-run the script.

body = json.dumps(
            "@name": "google_dns",
            "ip-netmask": "",
            "description": "Google DNS Server"

r =, params=location, verify=False, headers=headers, data=body)
{"code":6,"message":"Object Not Unique","details":[{"@type":"CauseInfo","causes":[{"code":8,"module":"panui_mgmt","description":"Object Not Unique: Object already exists."}]}]}

As you can see above, the error says the object already exists because the POST request will try to 'create' an address object from scratch rather than amending it. To amend an existing item, we need to use the PUT request.

PUT Request

I've amended line #23 to use PUT instead of POST, running the script results in the object being modified.

import requests
import json

# Disable self-signed warning

location = {'location': 'device-group', 'device-group': 'lab', 'name': 'google_dns'}
headers = {'X-PAN-KEY': 'API_KEY'}
api_url = "https://Firewall_IP/restapi/v10.2/Objects/Addresses"

body = json.dumps(
            "@name": "google_dns",
            "ip-netmask": "",
            "description": "Google DNS Server"

r = requests.put(api_url, params=location, verify=False, headers=headers, data=body)

Security Policy

Now that we are comfortable with creating objects, let's try and create a Security Policy using the API.

If you are unsure about which parameters to use with the request, you can navigate to https://firewall_ip/restapi-doc where all the required resources are well documented for each resource.

Now that we know exactly what parameters to use, let's put together a script to test security policy creation with the POST request.

For this example, I'm simply creating a test policy called allow_users_to_internet as shown below.

import requests
import json

# Disable self-signed warning

location = {'location': 'device-group', 'device-group': 'lab', 'name': 'allow_users_to_internet'}
headers = {'X-PAN-KEY': 'API_KEY'}
api_url = "https://Firewall_IP/restapi/v10.2/Policies/SecurityPreRules"

body = json.dumps(
            "@name": "allow_users_to_internet",
            "from": {
                "member": ['any']
            "to": {
                "member": ['any']
            "source": {
                "member": ['']
            "destination": {
                "member": ['any']
            "application": {
                "member": ['ssl']
            "service": {
                "member": ['application-default']
            "action": 'allow',
            "log-start": "no",
            "log-end": "yes"

r =, params=location, verify=False, headers=headers, data=body)
{"@status":"success","@code":"20","msg":"command succeeded"}

As you can see above, the policy has been successfully created on the firewall.

Closing thoughts

PanOS REST API is extremely powerful as you can create almost all the resources with it. The API documentation is also great compared to other vendors so, you are less likely to go wrong with it.

Palo Alto Create Bulk Address Objects using REST API + Python
If you are working with firewalls on a daily basis, at some point you are going to come across having to create multiple address objects at once

Written by
Suresh Vina
Tech enthusiast sharing Networking, Cloud & Automation insights. Join me in a welcoming space to learn & grow with simplicity and practicality.
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