
A big thank you to the sponsors for their support ❤️ Their contributions help me keep this blog running and filled with valuable content. I highly recommend checking out their fantastic products and services below.

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Netpicker is designed for network and NetDevOps engineers. Netpicker aims to provide the best tools possible for network design validation, security assessments and network compliance audits.

Test your network with Netpicker

Test the design, security and compliance of your network. Python-based testing platform for your network

Get Started For Free
  • Periodic, automated, scheduled backups of the configurations of all your network devices (117+ supported vendors)
  • An easy-to-use, graphical interface to check the configs of your devices and run real-time show commands
  • Built-in comparison of device configs, useful in case of change management audits, pre- and post-change checks, post-mortems after security incidents
  • A CIS test library to check for best practices and common misconfigurations for most major vendors
  • A CVE test library to check for known vulnerabilities in your devices, unpatched or outdated versions.


VyOS Networks is a leading provider of open-source network operating systems. VyOS is a highly scalable and reliable network operating system that is used by enterprises, service providers, and governments around the world.

Open-source router and firewall platform

VyOS is an open-source software company that democratizes how we access networks so that the many, not the few, benefit from building solutions without limitations and prohibitive fees.

Join Our Big Family


Slurp’it is a powerful and easy-to-use network discovery solution that offers 100% accurate network inventory.

Easy network inventory discovery

Slurp’it is a powerful and easy-to-use network discovery solution that offers 100% accurate network inventory

Free Download
  • Translate any network into structured data. JSON, CSV, XLSX and more
  • A digital twin of your network inventory
  • All data available off-line
  • Access data via RestAPI
  • Access to 600+ TextFSM templates
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